As a lad, Jack had quite a time and won his first model contest by flying a heavy
wooden (no balsa in these times) rubber driven plane over a rope at a contest run by
the "WOMENS WEEKLY" in the 1930's. During the Second World War he was
part of the First Commando Detachment in the Armed Forces. Sent to New Guinea
along with the rest of his group they had an horrific time and he was a one of a few who survived. Coming home he was re-habilated and sent to Seal Rocks as one of the Lighthouse Keepers. While in this post he started aeromodelling again and flew a radio control model over the sand dunes near the Lighthouse. As the PMG, (early
disguise for the now infamous TELSTRA) picked up strange radio codes coming from the small coastal area of Seal Rocks. They raced into the area suspecting some foreign spy to be using an illegal transmitter, only to find a "Lone Modeller"
flying his radio model and enjoying himself. The PMG boys not having any sense of humour at this stage, confiscated the radio and model and he was left to lament his loss and go freeflight for some years later.