It is the early eighties and two men who previously had no knowledge of each other came  together at a Dinner at the Royal Aero Club at Bankstown.  This Dinner, organised by one "Ivor F" was to get together some of the OLD AEROMODELLERS for a night of lies and reminiscences.  At this Dinner one Jack Dunkerton and Bruce Abell met and from there, the plot thickened.


After this Dinner back in the confines of the Hunter Valley, Jack again spoke to Bruce about some type of "Get Together" maybe over a weekend with no competition involved and a time when all could come together socialise, talk, fly and enjoy themselves.  As a result the "VETERANS GATHERING" was born.  With further discussions and help from a small but dedicated band of followers, the first "Aeromodelling Veterans' Gathering" was organised.  The weekend after Mothers Day in May 1989, 61 people attended the Mitchell Hill flying field at Muswellbrook.

The Muswellbrook Club has been your congenial host ever since and the great band of volunteers have made"The Gathering" a success which is boasting some 14 years of continuous operation.


Our first guest speaker Nancy Bird-Walton is still our patron and many great after dinner speakers have continued to entertain and inform the Saturday Night guests, with many topics being pursued.  A list of THE GREAT GUEST SPEAKERS AND TOPICS is contained on a Web Page of this site.

Nancy Bird-Walton taken at Sydney Showground on 22nd of
November 1935, just before flying to Bourke.  In 1990 she was
awarded the Order of Australia for her contribution to Aviation
and her support of Women Pilots.  (picture courtesy Mitchell Lib.)

The Committee which organises each years GATHERING is only small and led by our
very competent secretary Helen Milwain who along with Bruce Abell, The Mouth From

The South and others contact the "Veterans" each year and advise them of the proceedings.  This all comes together with a Dinner on the Saturday Evening and a Great Guest Speaker, gives all those who attend a chance to meet and greet with others in a friendly atmosphere.  There is no Competition and no Pressure which combines together for a most
enjoyable weekend at Muswellbrook NSW.