A page full of links to websites worldwide containing control line aeromodelling content likely to be of interest to Australians.


Control Line Model Flying
Control Line Model Flying by Göran Olsson of Stockholm, Sweden, describes many aspects of control line aeromodelling as currently practised in Europe.  More...

Lance Smith's Website
Lance Smith's Website covers many aspects of control line racing, including engine tuning, fuel developments, and now Classic FAI teamracing.  More...

Model Engineering and Engine Projects
Model Engineering and Model IC Engine Projects by Ron Chernich is all about small engines, published for those who make and collect them.  More...

Australian Clubs:

C.L.A.S. of N.S.W.
Control Line Aircraft Society of NSW - The governing body for Control Line in NSW. Its website contains some good info & newsletters.  More...

Clamf Aerosports
Clamf Aerosports is the site of the Control Line Aircraft Modellers of Frankston (Victoria), packed with news, reports, and information.  More...

CLAG Online
Clag online is the site of the Control Line Aeromodellers of Gippsland (Victoria), describing the doings and personalities of the club.  More...

Thornlie and Regions Model Aero Club
Thornlie and Regions Model Aero Club is Jim Stivey's wonderful website for the T.A.R.M.A.C. flyers of Perth, Western Australia.  More...

Mercurians MAC
Mercurians MAC is all about the Perth based Mercurians club and its history which dates back to 1943.  More...

Thunderbirds Model Aero Club of Brisbane presents a page full of photos of club members and their models.  More...

Australian Administrative bodies:

Control Line Aircraft Society of New South Wales
The Control Line Aircraft Society of New South Wales website deals extensively with the New South Wales and Sydney scene.  More...

Victorian Model Aeronautical Association Control Line Page
The VMAA Control Line Page lists two venues where new flyers are most welcome, after providing an inspirational description of control line.  More...

Model Aeronautical Association of Australia
The MAAA is the governing body for aeromodelling in Australia, listing its State member bodies and special interest groups.  More...

Technical Resources:

Everything Under Control
Everything Under Control is part of Dave Day's aeromodelling pages, containing lots of modern how-to-do-it technical info.  More...

The FMV story
The FMV story describes the efforts Enrico Flores, Rob Metkemeyer, and Hans Visser went to in 1978 to win at FAI teamrace: they built their own engine.  More...

The Bolly Book
The Bolly Book is full of useful information about propellers, engine operation, tuned pipes, and other Bolly products.  More...

Fuel Characteristics
Fuel Characteristics is a data page providing technical details for most commonly used model engine fuel ingredients in tabular form.  More...

Technical Articles
Technical Articles provided by the Holdfast Model Aero Club of South Australia will be of interest to radio control and control line modellers.  More...

Supercool Racing Propellers
Supercool Racing Propellers is the website of talented modeller, Stuart Sherlock.  Full of vital information about racing propellers and his own superb offerings.  More...

SMR Pty. Ltd.
SMR Pty. Ltd. is the website of talented engine builder, Steve Rothwell.  Contains information about his engine offerings and some racing tips.  More...

The Engineering ToolBox
The Engineering ToolBox is a website packed full of resources, tools and basic information for engineering and design of technical applications.  More...

More Control Line Websites:

NOCLASS M.A.C. is a Control Line club of Champions and serious pranks at New Plymouth, New Zealand  More...

THE CLASSIC FAI TEAMRACE SITE was created by Lance Smith and Andrew Nugent to help those interested in this wonderful racing concept.  More...

Control Line Combat
Control Line Combat provides in-depth information on combat building, flying, equipment, smashing and more, the American way.  More...

Vic Stunt
Vic Stunt once dealt extensively with all that was current and historical about aerobatics in Victoria.  More...

Control Line in Singapore
Tai Woon's Aeromodelling website describes current control line flying in Singapore with lots and lots of pictures!  Plenty of combat here.  More...

Nostalgia Diesel Combat
Nostalgia Diesel Combat from British Columbia, Canada, describes a competition class for combat the way it was before becoming a world championsips event.  More...

Control Line Aeromodeling Link Page
Control Line Aeromodeling Link Page contains links to Organizations, Clubs, Forums, and Private sites.  It is maintained by Phil Brown in the USA.  More...

U Control 2000
Parle Italiano?  U Control 2000 by Gabriele Macrì claims to be "...one of the few good Control Line Airplanes italian web site!!!"  More...

Aeromodelos.net - from Brazil
Aeromodelos.net is Eduardo Affonso's site describing control line aeromodelling in Brazil.  Eduardo is a two times Brazilian champion now living in France.  More...


Model Flight - Virtually a Model Flying Club
Model Flight is an up to date virtual magazine all about aeromodelling and published by Reg Heath in England.  Dominated by radio control of course.  More...

Airborne Magazine
Airborne Magazine describes itself as Australia's leading radio control model aeroplane magazine, but sometimes has a bit of control line content.  More...

Hangar Flying Forum
Hangar Flying Forum has a Control Line section, quaintly located under a "Other Modeling Stuff" heading.  Great if you like adverts cluttering your monitor.  More...

Anyone who is aware of a good link so far missing from this page is cordially invited to submit it to David Kidd so that it can be added for others to enjoy.


Developed 1999, revised 2005 by David Kidd.  Your Webmaster is Ron Chernich.