A page full of links to websites worldwide containing control line aeromodelling content likely to be of interest to Australians. |
Control Line Model Flying by Göran Olsson of Stockholm, Sweden, describes many aspects of control line aeromodelling as currently practised in Europe. More... |
Lance Smith's Website covers many aspects of control line racing, including engine tuning, fuel developments, and now Classic FAI teamracing. More... |
Model Engineering and Model IC Engine Projects by Ron Chernich is all about small engines, published for those who make and collect them. More... |
Control Line Aircraft Society of NSW - The governing body for Control Line in NSW. Its website contains some good info & newsletters. More... |
Clamf Aerosports is the site of the Control Line Aircraft Modellers of Frankston (Victoria), packed with news, reports, and information. More... |
Clag online is the site of the Control Line Aeromodellers of Gippsland (Victoria), describing the doings and personalities of the club. More... |
Thornlie and Regions Model Aero Club is Jim Stivey's wonderful website for the T.A.R.M.A.C. flyers of Perth, Western Australia. More... |
Mercurians MAC is all about the Perth based Mercurians club and its history which dates back to 1943. More... |
Thunderbirds Model Aero Club of Brisbane presents a page full of photos of club members and their models. More... |
The Control Line Aircraft Society of New South Wales website deals extensively with the New South Wales and Sydney scene. More... |
The VMAA Control Line Page lists two venues where new flyers are most welcome, after providing an inspirational description of control line. More... |
The MAAA is the governing body for aeromodelling in Australia, listing its State member bodies and special interest groups. More... |
Everything Under Control is part of Dave Day's aeromodelling pages, containing lots of modern how-to-do-it technical info. More... |
The FMV story describes the efforts Enrico Flores, Rob Metkemeyer, and Hans Visser went to in 1978 to win at FAI teamrace: they built their own engine. More... |
The Bolly Book is full of useful information about propellers, engine operation, tuned pipes, and other Bolly products. More... |
Fuel Characteristics is a data page providing technical details for most commonly used model engine fuel ingredients in tabular form. More... |
Technical Articles provided by the Holdfast Model Aero Club of South Australia will be of interest to radio control and control line modellers. More... |
Supercool Racing Propellers is the website of talented modeller, Stuart Sherlock. Full of vital information about racing propellers and his own superb offerings. More... |
SMR Pty. Ltd. is the website of talented engine builder, Steve Rothwell. Contains information about his engine offerings and some racing tips. More... |
The Engineering ToolBox is a website packed full of resources, tools and basic information for engineering and design of technical applications. More... |
NOCLASS M.A.C. is a Control Line club of Champions and serious pranks at New Plymouth, New Zealand More... |
CLASSIC FAI TEAMRACE SITE was created by Lance Smith and Andrew Nugent to help those interested in this wonderful racing concept. More... |
Control Line Combat provides in-depth information on combat building, flying, equipment, smashing and more, the American way. More... |
Vic Stunt once dealt extensively with all that was current and historical about aerobatics in Victoria. More... |
Tai Woon's Aeromodelling website describes current control line flying in Singapore with lots and lots of pictures! Plenty of combat here. More... |
Nostalgia Diesel Combat from British Columbia, Canada, describes a competition class for combat the way it was before becoming a world championsips event. More... |
Control Line Aeromodeling Link Page contains links to Organizations, Clubs, Forums, and Private sites. It is maintained by Phil Brown in the USA. More... |
Parle Italiano? U Control 2000 by Gabriele Macrì claims to be "...one of the few good Control Line Airplanes italian web site!!!" More... |
Aeromodelos.net is Eduardo Affonso's site describing control line aeromodelling in Brazil. Eduardo is a two times Brazilian champion now living in France. More... |
Model Flight is an up to date virtual magazine all about aeromodelling and published by Reg Heath in England. Dominated by radio control of course. More... |
Airborne Magazine describes itself as Australia's leading radio control model aeroplane magazine, but sometimes has a bit of control line content. More... |
Hangar Flying Forum has a Control Line section, quaintly located under a "Other Modeling Stuff" heading. Great if you like adverts cluttering your monitor. More... |
Anyone who is aware of a good link so far missing from this page is cordially invited to submit it to David Kidd so that it can be added for others to enjoy. |